Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fundraising Updates

Hello, ladies! Hope you all are having a wonderful first couple days of classes.

I just wanted to post and let you all know of some details that I have been able to finalize for some of the fundraising events.

First off, the date of the Yogurt Vi fundraiser is set for Monday, September 10th from 4:00pm-8:00pm. The nice people at Yogurt Vi will design a flyer for us that incorporates our logo (I sent in the design for the buttons because it was the best one I had available). We will be responsible for making copies and distributing them prior to the event. When we hand them out, we must remember to tell everyone to BRING THE FLYERS WITH THEM TO THE STORE!

I also want to send out another reminder about baking. It is super important this year, more than ever, that we really come through on baked goods. Café Momus is pure profit for us, so every one of us needs to contribute. PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDARS! In addition, please be prepared to bake for BAKE SALES the first Monday of every month (except September, because we are planning on doing it the 10th). We must be well-stocked so that we can sell, sell, sell!

I am in contact with CCM Prep about flower sales and should have details by the first meeting.

Love and roses,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hi again, Eta-Iotas!

I hope you've all had a wonderful summer and are excited to return to Cincinnati!!

I know that my email inbox gets overwhelmingly crowded sometimes, so I thought it would be a good idea to create one designated space for all of our SAI info. Not only will I post the meeting minutes here, but you are all free to post schedules, reminders, inspiring articles, or anything that strikes your fancy, to keep us more connected as sisters!

Hope to see you at the planning meeting on August 24th :)

- Jalen